Friday, August 12, 2011

Health update

so highlight I'm down 2 pounds
lowlight I'm having muscle spasms left and right...
I've been dealing with this (short tremors)on a small scale for years now never thought bout getting it check out till now...
my feet and left hand are on pins and needs and last week my leg was crampin up so bad I couldn't walk
that has went away somewhat I can walk although it feels weird still. My left hand stills has pins and needles feeling (feels weird typing now) and its really tight in my back, neck and stomach all on my left side (why couldn't it be right? sigh ) I do everything with my left hand. Now my right foot is acting up as well. Not as fast though.
Had blood work done and everything came back normal except my Vit D count was low so I was told to take supplements and was given a prescription for it as well. Hopefully it will help me get my body back. It feels like something has taken hold of me literally and not want to let go. I going to see a neurologist next week. Sounds like I have a lot more tests to take.  If it is what I think it is I'm going to find out and I'm going to stay on top of it. Not gonna let it beat me. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

trying to keep it off

Ok so I brought a Zumba DVD set off of Ebay and I've been trying it out. Not as religiously as I should but I do it a few times a week. I think its help me shed off a few pounds. I'm also half way thru my Weight Watcher's meetings now. I've lost a few pounds but I've gained a few since my last weight in. Sigh. I been trying to quit fried foods and white rice/bread. Eat more fruits and veggies and drink more water. Yet I just don't seem to have the energy or motivation to work out every day, and I've been snacking a lot and I still eat bad stuff (carbs) sometimes. I still having a hard time kicking soda/caffeine to the curb as I feel as if I still need it to get thru my day. Body wise I'm still having issues with my foot and now well since Sunday I having tingling sensations in my fingers and leg as well as my foot (restless leg syndrome?) I've been trying to shake it off to no avail :( . It seems like more excuses so I try to move a lil bit. Maybe I pulled something wrong. Atleast I hope so. Sigh again. So I think another doctor visit is in order.